Des O'Dell
Helping Organisations realise the potential of Business Intelligence captured through AI and Machine Learning, allowing analysis of the questions customers, agents and intermediaries ask, the actions they want to perform and predicting and influencing their next step whilst achieving operational efficiencies
Increase First Contact Resolution for customers through Virtual Assistance
Define new operating models considering systems, processes and people to effectively work alongside AI
Ongoing refinement of intelligence capabilities, training machines to learn and automation of tasks
Creating road-maps that expand functional depth of solutions and maximise value
Plan and manage digital deployments knowing the steps and dependencies to get things done efficiently
Work alongside content and UX designers to integrate AI tools and get the most intuitive customer experience
Contact Centre Transformation with AI
Well informed agents smooth customer interactions
Understanding the challenges when dealing with customers and how Artificial Intelligence can establish what your customers really want to know and how you can make the best information available to your agents to support them.
First Contact Resolution
Understanding your customers quickly and responding
Getting customers the information they need and the ability to perform transactions without the need for callbacks, handoffs or repeat calls through the introduction of AI
Enhanced Acquisition
Widening the sales funnel with guided AI
Using AI to understand the customer and their value, recognise the points of friction and abandonment to smooth the sales journey, guiding the customer to a positive outcome.
Digital Communication
Opening up new channels for customers to communicate
Creating online journeys where customers can:
Self serve to find product or policy information
Escalate to live chat where an agent can help in the same channel
Raise a ticket where they can share PII and sensitive documentation securely.